Transformative Dates

That was one half assed rant Sharon LOOL. I can do better 😎. Like why do dates sometimes taste good then sometimes turn into dinosaurs and eat peanuts? Like ugh! Atleast turn into a dragon!! Like atleast they can fly! If i was a date I’d so turn into a badass dragon. Jus’ sayin’. Okay,Continue reading “Transformative Dates”

Freedom!!!! -For a week LOL.

So much for Fridays being book reviews huh Sharon ๐Ÿ˜‰ So today was the last day!! Now officially in holiday mode for a week. Here’s what my days’ll consist of, draw text draw anime draw revise sleep. Yep, sounds pretty fun i know. Don’t be too jealous of my amazing life. you peasants >;D TooContinue reading “Freedom!!!! -For a week LOL.”

Once upon a time.

Close your eyes. Breath in deeply to a count of eight, and prepare to immerse yourself in this experience. Feel all your tension though the day center on one point, maybe behind your eyes? -and picture it as a black ball of tainted energy. Okay now slowly breath out. Take all the time you need.Continue reading “Once upon a time.”

5 Reasons why Napping is good for your bones SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE

What a beautiful Saturday. By beautiful, i mean a beautiful day to take a nap ofc! ๐Ÿ˜€ So, for all you people out there who think that napping is unhealthy or unproductive, here’s 5 super scientifical reasons as to why you’re wrong and I’m right, as if it’s not obvious enough already. *shakes head* ๐Ÿ™‚Continue reading “5 Reasons why Napping is good for your bones SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE”

Magic, Anime and World Domination

These things aren’t getting any easier to start off maaaaan! So i guess ill just use Sharon’s as a starting point ๐Ÿ˜€ Nice cake, looks kinda dry though ๐Ÿ‘. Onward! Updates! Instead of doing these things daily as was originally planned, we’re just gonna do them within 24 hours of the previous. Why you ask?Continue reading “Magic, Anime and World Domination”